Aligning with Your Intention

With the start of 2024, many people choose to set New Year’s resolutions. Statista conducted a survey and the top 5 resolutions for 2023 are:

  1. Exercise more

  2. Eat healthier

  3. Lose weight

  4. Save more money

  5. Spend more time with family/friends

Worthy goals yet Inc. reports that only 9% of people who make New Year’s resolutions, keep them. One recommendation is to shift from making resolutions to focusing on a one-word intention for the year. Shifting behavior to live in alignment with your intention is powerful.

If your word for the year is brave, and you are jotting down your thoughts to post to your LinkedIn community, and you don’t hit the post button, is this in alignment with your intention (not that I would know anything about this )?

Changing behavior to create alignment is an ongoing practice. Some days we’ll hit the mark (yes, hit the post button) and some days the path of least resistance may be chosen. 

Intentional practice, over time, creates behavioral shifts that establish new habits.

I’m curious what your thoughts are as you consider the difference between making resolutions vs. setting a one-word intention?